There's never a shortage of singers in the Belgard Inn...when the muse comes upon a singer the song is released...Liam Weldon often spoke about the notion that a great Song will always sing the Singer...a lovely thought....
There's always great respect for both song and singer in the Belgard...this session strikes a lovely balance between the singing of songs and playing of tunes...where else would you rather be during a re-session...and it's all for free! All you need do is show respect, listen and join in the fun...there' buckets of laughter too via the MC Dermot Whelan.
Liam O'Reilly, on left, Denis singing at the back middle, Freddy Callaghan centre, and Geraldine Fitzgerald, on right.
Date: 17/06/2012
Location: Belgard Inn, Tallaght, Dublin.
Photographer: Colm Keating.